Scandinavian 5ths Redwood Internal Door Casing Sets
Trenched at 2'6" or 2'9", shrink-wrapped in sets
Profile | Product Code | Nominal Size | Finished Size | Pack Quanitity |
 | DCW100 | 38x100mm | 32x94mm | 36 |
 | DCW105 | 38x115mm | 32x109mm | 36 |
 | DCW110 | 38x125mm | 32x119mm | 36 |
 | DCW115 | 38x138mm | 32x132mm | 36 |
 | DCW120 | 38x150mm | 32x144mm | 32 |
Scandinavian 5ths Rebated and Grooved
Not trenched, shrink-wrapped in sets of 2/2.1m & 1/1.0m
Rebate size 63mm: 25x50, 50mm: 13x50, both with 15x4 groove for intumescent strip
Profile | Product Code | Nominal Size | Finished Size | Pack Quanitity |
| FC130 | 63x100mm | | 24 |
| FC120 | 63x115mm | | 20 |
| FC125 | 63x138mm | | 14 |
 | FC135 | 38x150mm | | 14 |
External Door Frame
Sold in 1m3 packs in random lengths between 4.2m and 5.1m
47mm rebate
Profile | Product Code | Nominal Size | Finished Size | Pack Volume |
 | EDS200 | 63x100mm | 57x94mm | 1m3 |